Janet Dankwa Delegation: Region of Peel Request for Delegation. Regional Clerk Regional
Municipality of Peel 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A Brampton, ON L6T 4B9 Phone: 905-791-7800 ext.
4582 E-mail: council@peelregion.ca
Oct 28, 2021 — Janet Dankwa, Resident of Peel, provided an overview of her lived experience as an
immigrant and single mother experiencing chronic homelessness in Peel Region.
Janet Dankwa, Resident of Peel
Supporting the Evidence-Based Needs Study on Housing and Homelessness Priorities by Peel Alliance
to End Homelessness (Related to 7.2, 15.1 and 16.2)
- Resolution Number2021-1076
Janet Dankwa, Resident of Peel, provided an overview of her lived experience as an immigrant and
single mother experiencing chronic homelessness in Peel Region. The delegate provided an overview of
her family, medical, and transitional housing circumstances noting that many others have a similar
experience. She thanked Regional Council and staff for the work being done but added there is a need
for more affordable housing, better healthcare, and better employment opportunities.
Members of Regional Council discussed and asked questions regarding: Council’s financial commitment
to build affordable housing; and, the need to receive fair and equitable funding from the provincial
government. The Commissioner of Human Services undertook to review the details of the delegates
experience and the concerns regarding navigation of the housing support system.
The Commissioner of Health Services undertook to connect with the delegate to add her story to the
work being done for advocacy regarding the Community Safety and Well-being Plan for the Region of